Friday, November 7, 2014

Testing, testing... 1..2...3....


I'm Alli... still weak in the knees in love with my hot firefighter. When we met, he had one, I had three... we Brady Bunched it, adding Cajer to this zoo we call home on Halloween afternoon of 2010. We are in north Florida on a little chunk of land.

The older kids survived public school, I suppose. I often gave them a semester off and either homeschooled or virtual schooled. I won't go too deep into my opinions on public (and many private) schools; let's just say Cajer will be taught by the adults in his life that we approve of. After much research on curriculums I learned about Florida Unschoolers... hello!! :::lightbulb::: Definitely the way to do this, in my opinion... and here in Alli land, my opinion is All That Matters.

Anyway, Cajer turned 4 last week and I decided to keep a blog of his educational wanderings. So, here goes....

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