Wednesday, February 11, 2015

A Day In The Life

.... of an unschooling four year old.

Cajer woke up around 830, and attempted to lounge around on the couch, but I had a doctor's appointment and a few errands to run. He dressed himself right down to shoes and socks, and got a bowl of cereal while I got ready.

We stopped and got him a honeybun only to.have him drop it. Devastation. Screaming, crying. End of the world. They dropped me off and went to get Chick Fil A, yum! After my appointment we went to Publix, Cajer was happy to show his daddy how to shop; usually that is something he and I do. Cajer has discovered Red Box, and is fairly put out with me for not renting a movie but he has not yet given me a reason I should pay for a movie he can watch on Netflix... ahh, a lesson. Life can be sneaky like that.

Next up we went to pay a bill near the football stadium- so much to see!We watched people playing soccer, frisbee and jogging. A blue and white plane was flying in circles, a police car went screaming by. We went to the repair shop where two older gentlemen were pleased to take a break and watch Cajer's excitement and awe...
 After that we went to his brother's school. My oldest boy finished the welding program and my next in line is currently in school. Cajer got to see where the school is, where his brother parks, and he peeked under booths trying to find his brothers shoes- he was sure he found them and I'm still giggling when the black guy popped out and surprised him!

On the way home we stopped for ice cream, we made peach cobbler to go along with supper and of course ice cream is necessary! Finally we stopped for hog and chicken feed, Cajer politely asked the guy at Ace if he could ride on the dolly, too. But he jumped off when he realized I was picking out seeds. We picked herbs and sunflowers, we can't wait to plant them. He randomly blurted out that two fingers and two fingers made four fingers, so we had an impromptu math lesson and he was adding quite well! 

Finally home, here he is playing me a song on our thrift store guitar. $2 and I can't wait to take him to music lessons, he loves it! 

 After watching tv with daddy for a few minutes he went outside to ride his new mower. 

We have a bit of land and he is so excited to drive this mower. He can even start it now! He (finally) tired of driving, I suspect that the scratch on his face has something to do with his sudden anger at the mower. 

It's 430 and he is shooting bears in the yard, well, he claims they are bears. They look suspiciously like chickens to me... 

Usually around this time of day he will get into his classroom and create a masterpiece with all of his art supplies. But after such a busy day he might just want to chill out. And that's fine with me, he's learned exactly what I wanted him to learn for the day. 

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